FBWRA shrub bed in Friary Park

Visit our young shrub bed in Friary Park. (It’s near the main gate on Friary Road, in the garden surrounded by high conifer hedging.)

In late 2016 we decided to fund the replanting of the former iris bed, sadly long bare and abandoned. The appointed committee being well past digging and delving age, and with no sign of the agreed help from Parks, in spring 2018 we had it commercially prepared and in May our treasured horticultural – and far fitter! – member Debbie selected and planted it. And, lo and behold, the rain stopped until October!


We battled with the hose all through those hot and sunny months and were rewarded. Our protégés have all survived and thriven. We are proud of them, of course, and look forward to a burst of real growth in the spring.

…and after

One delightful aspect of this project has been how often other Park users drift across and chat with us about what we are doing there, and maybe leave with fresh thoughts on sharing responsibility for local places that we all enjoy.